Yes, we have a ramp to enter the clinic, our bathrooms and showers are fully accessible, and we have a motorized lift that will take you up onto the pool deck and safely lower you down into the water, if needed.
For your initial assessment, wear something athletic and loose-fitting so that the physiotherapist can access any area they need to assess. If you are getting in the pools, please bring a bathing suit or clothes that allow you to move easily in the pool (nothing too loose-fitting or cotton which will weigh you down). A
We always do a physiotherapy assessment in the clinic prior to getting you in the pools. We want to make sure that the pool is going to be appropriate for you, and that you do not have any contraindications that would restrict you from entering the pool. When you call to make your initial assessment,
Our pools are kept at 92 degrees Fahrenheit and are equipped with underwater treadmills that go up to speeds of 7mph. There are jets that can be turned on and adjusted to add a slight or significant amount of resistance. There are underwater cameras aimed at the treadmill that allows for immediate visual feedback so